[Zope-dev] BoboPOS component
Jeff Bauer
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 08:35:27 -0600
Hi all.
I'm about to begin an application migration from Bobo
to Zope, using the Zope components. For do-it-yourselfers
like me, there's no way I'm gonna download Zope and have a
content manager running in 15 minutes ;-) More relevant,
actually, is that production apps tend to migrate at
glacial speeds.
I've noticed on the components page that ZPublisher and
ZTemplates are available, but no BoboPOS. I can slice
BoboPOS out of the normal Zope source distribution, but
was curious if there was a reason not to release it as
a component.
Even more trivially: What is the new 'Z' nomenclature
for the persistent store? ZPOS? ZBase? ZPersist?
Best regards,
Jeff Bauer
Rubicon, Inc.