[Zope-dev] error when starting with ZServer

Service Informatique CHSR chsrinfo@guetali.fr
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 11:49:52 +0400


This is a weird error I get. Hope that it can be useful to track down
a bug.

I've got a base (Data.bbb.*) that is served by a PCGI/Apache Zope.
When I publish this base with ZopeHTTPServer, no problemo, it just
work fine. However, If I try to publish the base with ZServer, I get this

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "./PubCore/ZServerPublisher.py", line 94, in __init__
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py", line
877, in publish_module
    response = publisher.publish(module_name,after_list,
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py", line
325, in publish
    (bobo_before, bobo_after, request_params,
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py", line
616, in get_module_info
    module=__import__(module_name, globals(), globals(), ('__doc__',))
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/Main.py", line 103, in ?
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 326,
in open_bobobase
    try: app=Bobobase['Application']
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/BoboPOS/PickleDictionary.py",
line 178, in __getitem__
    def __getitem__(self,key): return self._index[key]
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/BoboPOS/PickleDictionary.py",
line 208, in __getitem__
    def __getitem__(self, key): return self._d[key]
  File "/home/webdevel/devel/Zope/lib/python/BoboPOS/PickleJar.py", line
271, in setstate
    state = unpickler.load()
ImportError: ('cPickle.UnpicklingError', "invalid load key, 'G'.")

Note that the three installation (the one with PCGI, the one with ZHS,
the one with ZS) are ***THE SAME***. I copied them with cp -R to do
my tests:

$ cp -R ZopeWithPCGI ZopeWithZHS
$ cp -R ZopeWithPCGI ZopeWithZS
$ cd ZopeWithZHS; ./start.py # it works. Then I shutdown the Zope process
$ cd ZopeWithZS/var; ../ZServer/start.py # don't work.

I wanted to "suck" all my sources from my site by FTP with ZServer
to work on it offline, but I can't because of this stuff :-)))

Hope that can help.
And if anyone here has a solution, it is also welcome...

Regards, Jephte CLAIN,
Service Informatique CHSR