[Zope-dev] Object to string

Amos Latteier amos@aracnet.com
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 18:32:18 -0800

At 06:01 PM 3/29/99 -0500, Jason Spisak wrote:
>Oh, to follow up on my last post about turning an object to a string
>without leaving DTML, I have tried:
><!--#var "str(_['ZopeTime'])"-->
><!--#var "str(ZopeTime)"-->

I suggest:

<!--#var "_.str(_.int(ZopeTime().timeTime()))"-->

This basically means return a string representation of the integer
truncation of the current time in ticks.


P.S. in general using a var tag coerces an object into a string in one way
or another. However, I include the _.str above since I assume that you will
be passing this value to some other method, not just including it in a