[Zope-dev] Forcing Zope to render a URL

Jason Spisak webmaster@mtear.com
Tue, 11 May 1999 08:44:15 -0400


Once again Martijn you were able to help more than I could help you.  A
debt I hope to repay someday. :)  The second was what I was trying to
achieve.  I tried the getitem, but I put single quote around it so it
rendered the text.  Duh.  Thanks again, you DTML stud!

All my best,

Jason Spisak

Martijn Pieters wrote:

> You mean something like:
> <!--#with Templates-->
> <!--#var "_.getitem('template', 1)"-->
> <!--#/with-->
> or do you mean:
> <!--#with Templates-->
> <!--#var "_.getitem(_[template], 1)"-->
> <!--#/with-->
> The first being: Render the object named ´template´ within the object
> ´Templates´.
> and the second: Render the object named by the variable ´template´ within
> the object ´Templates´.