[Zope-dev] Failure to render using #with and REQUEST

Jason Spisak webmaster@mtear.com
Tue, 18 May 1999 09:32:12 -0400


Well, I have got it to work using the actual id's of the objects so it
must be a syntax thing or a bug.  Here's the code which renders

<!--#with BigFolder-->
<!--#with SubFolder-->
<!--#var "_.getitem('foo',1)"-->

The above code properly renders the HTML page from the object with id
'foo', just like it should, now 'foo' is stored in REQUEST['file'] from
the previous form, and so I should be able to just say:

<!--#with BigFolder-->
<!--#with SubFolder-->
<!--#var "_.getitem(_[_['file']],1)"-->

Regretably that renders the proper page, but tacks on a traceback.  I'm
assuming the proper page is at the top because of some cache issue.  Do
I have to make a special type of reference to get a variable in the
REQUEST namespace?

For all of you going to the expo, Zope on!

All my best, 
Jason Spisak