[Zope-dev] XML Roadmap (Fwd: [XML-SIG] Hello)
Anthony Pfrunder
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 11:58:32 +1000 (GMT+1000)
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Michel Pelletier wrote:
> Yep. I'm currently prototyping a new component for Zope called MFI
> (Multi-Format Interface, I needed a good TLA). If you can follow my
> stream of conciousness, MFI realizes two very cool ideas:
> 1) Objects that want to contain 'content' in various 'formats'
> 2) Objects that want to override their behavior at 'call time' (ie when
> viewed by the browser)
[description snipped]
This sounds very similar to XMLWidgets, VisualZope and ZIE. A few
extensions to the behaviour system as described by you which may be
* Add XMLWidgets Events to allow the Behaviour to be changed via
the user clicking on an item in the browser
* Add Javascript Behaviour code to allow Events to operate
transparently accross the JavaScript/DTML boundary.
* You will need a final rendering stage due to problems in Zope
namespace conflicts. If you wish to utilise the ID property within an XML
document you will need to rename it to CID and apply a text transformation
to convert it to ID.
* Why not allow multiple behaviours? For example, an XSFT
transform to apply corporate styles, a DTML ZDOM transform for custom
javascript and a few others to make some objects "Active". For example:
<item behaviours="draggable, resizeable, event=GotoPagexx"/>
^^^^^^^^^ inherited from Behaviour objects in the
aquisition path
Anthony Pfrunder