[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] Can not search the chinese word in ZCtalog using TextIndex

Sheng Lan lansea@hotmail.com
Mon, 01 Nov 1999 06:26:19 PST

>From: "Jeff Rush" <jrush@timecastle.net>
>Reply-To: "Jeff Rush" <jrush@timecastle.net>
>To: "Sheng Lan" <lansea@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [Zope] Can not search the chinese word in ZCtalog using 
>Date: Mon, 01 Nov 99 07:35:49 -0500
>I don't think Zope supports double-byte chinese text.  I do know
>that other have asked how to do searches on german and french,
>and the answer for both was that the current 2.0.1 release of Zope
>truncates characters in the textindex source to 7-bits before searching
>or indexing.  The Zope people were apologetic and said that the
>version of Zope in CVS (version control system) -does- support
>german/french -- that they had removed the code that chops to
>7-bits.  However, I do _not_ know if this change would allow
>chinese text or if they have more work to do to handle double
>byte text.
>Ask at <support@zope.org>.
>-Jeff Rush
>On Sat, 30 Oct 1999 03:37:13 PDT, Sheng Lan wrote:
> >I read the How-To: Z Catalog Tutorial and test the sample
> >( http://www.zope.org/Documentation/How-To/ZCatalogTutorial )
> >
> >I create a searchable catalog of CDs,and write some chinese word in
> >description field using fulltextindex,but in Z search interface I fill
> >description field this chinese word,I can not find any item , I can find 
> >english word. who can help me,thanks

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