[Zope-dev] RE: [Zope] xmlrpc calls require string results?
Jeff Rush
Jeff Rush" <jrush@timecastle.net
Fri, 05 Nov 99 19:25:15 -0500
On Fri, 5 Nov 1999 15:18:27 -0500, Dan Pierson wrote:
>Here are the method definitions, all in SquishSite in Squishdot.py:
> def has_subjects(self):
> ''' returns true if site has subject topics defined'''
> return len(self.subjects)
> def subject_count(self):
> ''' gives count of subject topics defined'''
> return self.has_subjects()
> def subjects_list(self):
> ''' lists all subjects '''
> subjects = self.subjects.keys()
> subjects.sort()
> return subjects
> def item_count(self):
> return len(self.data)
>Maybe this is just a Squishdot problem, but I can't see any significant
>different between subject_count and item_count above, can you?
Uh, yes I can, a very big one. The item_count() method is missing
a function-comment string, which means the ZPublisher module
won't allow it to be externally called. That sure looks like your
-Jeff Rush