[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] Question about ZODB and threads
Ty Sarna
15 Oct 1999 16:09:07 GMT
In article <Pine.SOL.4.10.9910150850150.28096-100000@goanna.cs.rmit.edu.au>,
Stuart 'Zen' Bishop <zen@cs.rmit.edu.au> wrote:
> > I also noticed a module for in memory storage in the ZODB directory, but
> > I am not sure how to combine the regular FileStorage with the in memory
> > one.
> I don't think Zope lets you use multiple stores (yet).
But a storage can use other storages :-)
DemoStorage will layer over another storage. This doesn't do what he
wants to accomplish though, I don't think. All changes happen in the Demo
storage (and thus are volatile), and the bottom is read-only.