[Zope-dev] Zope ignoring #if tag
Jason Spisak
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:01:47 -0400
Anyone have an explanation for this:
I have a file that I am uploading (with the enctype of the REQUEST set
proerly ;-)).
The file is REQUEST['file'], and to upload it I call
<!--#if "REQUEST.has_key('file')"-->
<!--#call "propertysheets.MyProperties.manage_changeProperties(
Most of the time is goes through fine, but about every 40th try or so I
get a traceback with a name error on 'file', even though I put the #if
tag in to skip it is it doesn't have 'file' in the REQUEST. I look at
the log and there is a 'Conflict Error'. After this Zope starts having
tons of these errors, and eventually I get the big 'ERROR (200)
uncaptured python exception'. If I don't try that method for a while I
don't have any conflicts and things run pretty smooth. Any ideas would
greatly be appreciated.
All my best,
Jason Spisak