[Zope-dev] Finding a sub string using _.string.find

Jason Spisak webmaster@mtear.com
Fri, 03 Sep 1999 11:54:49 -0800


I am trying to check an see if an email address has an @ sign in it as a
hack way of determining validity.  I checked the dtml ref guide, and
found the find(S,SUB[,START]) method of the string module.  I am having
me luck geting it to process.  I have an variable int the namespace
called 'email_address' (original, huh)  I then try to call a conditional
like so:

<!--#if "_.string.find(email_address,@)==-1"-->
It's not valid!
It is!

It can't parse the DTML because of a Python syntax error.  I am probably
misunderstanding the way to call the find method of the string mocule. 
Any ideas?

Jason Spisak