[Zope-dev] [Zope] Barriers to Zope popularity

Brian Lauer fozbaca@yahoo.com
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 12:11:28 -0700 (PDT)

From my experience of trying to intrest co-workers in
Zope there were 2 problems. 

1. Python - they don't know python, but might be
willing to learn if it wasn't for 2...

2. ISP/Web Hosting companies don't sopport Pyhton as a
cgi enviroment or Zope. 

Very few, from my experience, want to switch ISP/Web
Hosting for something they have not tried in a new
language. Don't take these comments to mean that I
don't like Zope I love it but can't justify going with
an untrusted ISP/Web Host. I don't know the solution
to this one. Any help would be appreciated. Maybe what
effect adding Zope, along with Apache, would have for
the ISP/Web Host. Technicaly do they have anything to
worry about or is they general lack of python
experience the only factor. Any ideas???

Brian M Lauer
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