[Zope-dev] Problem with reading zope objects from external method.

Anders Lide'n al@netg.se
Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:54:00 +0200 (CEST)

I want to draw a circle on a picture that I have stored inside zope. Since
the image manipulation module (PIL) is a module not usable from inside
zope I have to use an external method.

The external method now needs to read in the file (the picture) and this
file is located inside zope as a zope object (image file). Hence : I need
to get the external method to read a zope object. But I continually fail
to read the zope object, how do I do?

        Anders Lidén                    NetGuide / TerraTel AB
        al@netg.se                      Tankegången 4
        Url:http://www.netg.se/         417 56  GÖTEBORG
        Mobile : 0736 - 73 55 32        +46 - (0)31 - 50 79 69