[Zope-dev] OFS.objectManager checking object Ids

Jay, Dylan djay@avaya.com
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:41:08 +1000

This seems to be a new thing in Zope 2.2, however it is breaking
functionality that I had before. I was able to add objects with ids that had
a "?" in them. This gets quoted in links and seems to be handled fine by
zope (both 2.2 and older versions). Why can't I have question marks in my
objects then? Should I submit the inclusion of a the "?" as a valid char in
and id as a bug?

Dylan Jay                           Tel:   +61 2 9886-8961
Avaya Communication                 FAX:   +61 2 9352 9224
Level 5, 15 Talavera Road           Mobile:+61 409 606 171
Nth Ryde, NSW, 2113                 ICQ:   520341