[Zope-dev] Caching problems

Bob Pepin bpe@iee.lu
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:31:49 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

I have a problem with a class I wrote where I have a list as an
attribute of the class. When I append something to that list, it stays
there at first, but only until I restart Zope. It disappears (==is set
to the value I assigned to it in __init__) and reappears as well when
I hit reload a few times very quickly. Whenever I flush the cache it
disappears immediately. There seems to be no transaction registered by
Zope, because it doesn't show up under 'Undo'. I observed this both
thru a dtml page and a debugging function written in python.

I attached the code below, the method and attributes I'm talking about
are IEEShare.read_access_roles, IEEShare.write_access_roles and

The problem exists with both Zope 2.2.0 and 2.2.1b1. I'm running
2.2.1b1 right now on a SuSE Linux 6.4 default installation. (standard libc,
threads etc.) 
Both versions of Zope are compiled from source.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="IEEFolder.py"

__doc__ = """IEEFolder product module."""
__version__ = '0.1'

import string
from Globals import HTMLFile,MessageDialog,Persistent
import OFS.Folder
import OFS.PropertyManager
import Acquisition
import AccessControl
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager

manage_addIEEFolderForm = HTMLFile('ieefolderAdd', globals())

def manage_addIEEFolder(self, id, title=None, REQUEST=None):
    """Add an IEE Folder to a folder."""
    if title:
    self._setObject(id, ob)
    if REQUEST is not None:
        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=1)

def findProperty(ids, props, searchterm, path='', all=0):
    """Find a property
    for obj in ids:
        if hasattr(obj, '_properties') and checkPermission('Access contents information', obj):
            for md in getattr(obj, '_properties'):
                if (all or (propid in props)) and \
                   (string.find(str(getattr(obj, propid)),searchterm) != -1):
                    result.append({'object': obj,
                                   'id': path + obj.id,
                                   'url': obj.absolute_url()})
        if getattr(obj, 'isPrincipiaFolderish', None):
            result.extend(findProperty(obj.objectValues(), props, searchterm, \
                                       path=path+obj.id+'.', all=all))
    return result

class IEEFolder(OFS.Folder.Folder,

    meta_type = 'IEE Folder'

        ('Read Access', ('manage_findPropertyForm', 'manage_findProperty',
                         'index_html', 'manage_main', 'manage_workspace',
                         'objectIds', 'objectValues', 'objectItems', '')),
        ('Write Access', ('manage_delObjects',)))

    manage_workspace__roles__=('Read Access','Write Access')

    manage_options = (
        {'label': 'Folder View', 'action': 'index_html', 'image': 'folder-view'},
        {'label': 'Search', 'action': 'manage_findPropertyForm',
	 'image': 'search'},
        {'label': 'Undo', 'action': 'manage_UndoForm', 'image': 'undo'})

    index_html = HTMLFile('index', globals())
    manage_main = HTMLFile('index', globals())

    manage_findPropertyForm=HTMLFile('findProperty', globals())
    findPropertyResult=HTMLFile('findPropertyResult', globals())

    manage_UndoForm=HTMLFile('undo', globals())

    def filtered_objectIds(self):
        map(lambda x: x.id, filter(lambda x: getSecurityManager().checkPermission('Read Access', x), self.objectValues()))

    def manage_findProperty(self, searchterm, props=[], allprops='all'):
        """Find a property."""
        if type(props) is type(''):
        if allprops == 'all':
            allprops = 1
            allprops = 0
        return self.findPropertyResult(self, result=findProperty(self.objectValues(), props, searchterm, all=allprops), URL=self.absolute_url())

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="IEEShare.py"

__doc__ = """IEEShare product module."""
__version__ = '0.1'

import nis,traceback
from Globals import HTMLFile,MessageDialog,Persistent
from Products.CARS.IEEFolder import IEEFolder
from Products.CARS.NisLogin import NisLogin
from Products.LoginManager.LoginManager import manage_addLoginManager
from Globals import HTMLFile

manage_addIEEShareForm = HTMLFile('ieeshareAdd', globals())

def manage_addIEEShare(self, id, title=None, REQUEST=None):
    """Add an IEE Share to a folder."""
    self._setObject(id, ob)
    ob.manage_role('Read Access', permissions=('Read Access',))
    ob.manage_role('Write Access', permissions=('Write Access',))
#    manage_addLoginManager(ob, usource='NIS User Source')
    if REQUEST is not None:
        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=1)

class IEEShare(IEEFolder.IEEFolder):

    meta_type = 'IEE Share'

    def __init__(self):

    def add_user_access(self, user, lst, access='Some'):
        try: nis.match(user, 'passwd.byname')
        except nis.error:
            return MessageDialog(
                title = 'Error!',
                message = '%s: No such user' % user,
                action = 'manage_main')
        if user in lst:
            return MessageDialog(
                title = 'Error!',
                message = 'User %s already has %s access.' % (access, user),
                action = 'manage_main')
        return MessageDialog(
            title = 'Success!',
            message = '%s access for %s has been successfully added.' \
            % (access, user),
            action = 'manage_main')

    def manage_addReadAccess(self, user, REQUEST=None):
        return self.add_user_access(user, self.read_access_roles, access='Read')
    def manage_addWriteAccess(self, user, REQUEST=None):
        return self.add_user_access(user, self.write_access_roles, access='Write')

    manage_addReadAccessForm=HTMLFile('addAccessForm', globals(), type='Read')
    manage_addWriteAccessForm=HTMLFile('addAccessForm', globals(), type='Write')
    manage_showAccessForm=HTMLFile('showAccessForm', globals())
