[Zope-dev] Proposed solution for ZODB woes

Lalo Martins lalo@hackandroll.org
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 23:21:26 -0200

Right now we have a provision for non-persistent variables
(with _v_, which I assume is for ``volatile''). The obvious way
to fix the incontrolable growth of ZODBs is creating a new
prefix for ``non-undoable'' variables, perhaps _t_.

Implementation-wise, these variables would be stored in a
different area. For filesystem storage, the best implementation
is probably using a second file for all _t_ stuff. (Actually,
they can be kept in RAM and only synced to this file

The other part is giving Zope objects a way to have _t_ and
perhaps even _v_ properties.

      I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
                 Resistance is futile.

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                 pgp key in the web page

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