[Zope-dev] Notes on a Zope IDE
Eron Lloyd
Sun, 09 Jan 2000 18:11:54 -0500
Greetings all; I'm a (fairly) new Zope developer, and I've been
following the discussion of the ZIDE lately. A few months ago I scoured
the mail-list archive and put together some notes pertaining to this
effort. They can be read at my section on zope.org, at
I'm a long-time Homesite user, and see the potential for Zope's future
with the integration of nice editing/management tool. Particularily, I'd
like to see a nice editor with good DTML/Python support, that can access
Zope through WebDAV or XML-RPC. I've lately been looking at wxPython and
Java for this. Soon I might begin a prototype, and try to solicit
support from the community to aide in it's development. Any ideas on
this would be appreciated.
I'm working on a fairly complex Zope based project, and having a good
IDE would help development/maintenance enormously.
Thanks in advance,
Eron Lloyd