[Zope-dev] Zope source code version control
Patrick Phalen
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 12:15:15 -0800
[Simon Michael, on Mon, 10 Jan 2000]
:: "Phil Harris" <phil.harris@zope.co.uk> writes:
:: > Might be a good sart for you and they should have something soon.
:: The webdav faq says:
:: For now and for a while, CVS will still be your best bet; it is
:: going to be a while before DAV's versioning capabilities match that
:: of CVS.
:: This has been the status for quite a while. What would it take to add
:: interim CVS functionality into zope ? I mean just the most useful
:: bare essentials -
:: - storing & retrieving past versions
:: - talking to standard cvs tools via the pserver protocol
:: Enough to support, eg
:: - cvs checkout
:: - cvs update
:: - cvs commit
:: - cvs diff
:: - cvs status
This sounds wonderful.
Another divergent idea, which may be bogus, but ...
I'm in *love* with the whizzy new Update Agent available from RedHat
Linux 6.1. This is written in Python and is open source. From either
GNOME or KDE, it allows you to launch a configurable client which will
automatically login in to Redhat's ftp server and download and
INSTALL all security and bug fix packages that you don't already have.
Literally one button push and that's it. Done. Finis.
I gather from comments on the list that a high percentage of Zope users
are also RedHat Linux customers.
PHP is included in the standard RedHat distribution; why not Zope?
If Zope were in the dist, then we RH users could keep up-to-date with
Zope changes using the Update Agent. And Zope would gain the
considerable marketing advantage of being on the RedHat CDROMs.