[Zope-dev] RE:Catalog bug ZClass constructor
Jason Spisak
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 15:27:53 -0500
Here is the code I have for the ZClass is was building when I found this
Does any of this look like "custom code" that would account for a
leading slash?
Set a REQUEST object called 'id' as a unique number by
representing the current time as an integer, and then
convert that to a string.
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('id', _.str(_.int(ZopeTime())))">
Create an instance of the CompanyClass with the 'id' we
just set in the REQUEST.
<dtml-with "CompanyClass.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)">
Pack all of our for values and anything else in the REQUEST
into the proerties of the CompanyClass instance we just
Because the 'CreateInObjectManager' we called above indexes the object
before we called 'manage_editProperties', all of the properties of our
new Company are blank as far as the Catalog is concerned.
Not Good! So we tell the Ctalog to take another look, now that they
have values.
<dtml-call reindex_object>
Okay, now that we've created a Company, let's be nice and
send the user into it. We do this by redirecting the browser
to a page inside our new object. The URL2 tells us to chop off
the last 'two' elements of the current URL and the the '+' adds
on the id of the object we just created. So they end up inside
the new Company!
<dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(
URL2 + '/' + REQUEST['id']
This is very basic stuff, so I was suprized to see a problem. I am
calling something in a nold way that doesn't need to be? Please let me
Jason Spisak