[Zope-dev] dtml-in: sort is not locale-aware
Oleg Broytmann
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:18:23 +0000 (GMT)
Currently dtml-in does not use locale when sorting the sequence. Before
creating a patch I want to discuss a way dtml-in should handle this. The
problem is that list.sort() does not sort according to koi8-r cyrillic
locale; to make sort locale-aware I need to list.sort(locale.strcoll).
But how I could ask dtml-in to use locale.strcoll? Should I add another
option to dtml-in? Something like
<dtml-in somesequence sort=name use_locale> ?
Oleg. (All opinions are mine and not of my employer)
Oleg Broytmann Foundation for Effective Policies phd@phd.russ.ru
Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.