[Zope-dev] how to iterate on a list of DataSkins?

Jephte CLAIN Jephte.Clain@univ-reunion.fr
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 19:42:58 +0400


I have a custom Rack which have a searchResults:

def searchResults(self, **kw):
	sqlresults = self.sql_search(kw)
	return map(
		lambda r, self=self: self.getItem(r.key), 

The sql query give me a list of keys to be looked up in the ZODB. I have
got an AttributeProvider on the rack which get the other attributes from
the SQL table.
However, when I try to use the results from DTML inside the specialist:

<dtml-in "searchResults()">
<dtml-var sqlvalue>

This does not work. It throws an exception (sqlvalue not found)

<dtml-var "searchResults()[0].sqlvalue">

*does* work. Why the DataSkin seems no to be pushed on the variable
stack in the first case???

any ideas?

jephte clain