[Zope-dev] __ac_permissions__ confusion

Dyon Balding dyon@adroitnet.com.au
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 10:58:50 +1100

hiya, i'm working on a python product for zope, but running into 
some confusion with permissions.

one of the entries in my __ac_permissions__ for my base python class is:

('Search Etailer Shop', ['productSearch'], ['Anonymous', 'Manager']),

which i had hoped would allow anonymous clients to access the productSearch
method.  it still however prompts for a username/password when i first try
to access the method.  if i go into the security management interface of the
instance of that product and without changing any settings hit 'Change', 
the permissions work as expected:  anonymous can view the method.

my class inherits from Folder which inherits from RoleManager.

what am i missing?
i've had a look through ZCatalog, which appears to do exactly the same for
the 'Search ZCatalog' permission.


Adroit     |        Dyon Balding             dyon@adroitnet.com.au
Internet   |                          http://www.adroitnet.com.au/
Solutions  |           work: +613 98888522, mobile: +61 0414992604