[Zope-dev] Using Zope in a client-server system

Hung Jung Lu hungjunglu@hotmail.com
Fri, 03 Mar 2000 01:01:26 PST

itai tavor <itavo-@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
>- I also need to push data to the workstations - based on events detected 
>at the server, I need to bring up a message on a workstation, and remove it 
>in response to another event. I really don't want to refresh a frame every 
>second for this, and I also would hate to have to write a Java applet to do 

Bi-directional communication. Hmm... no easy way out.
Java applet would be the solution, which periodically
pulls from the server.

But this problem seems to come up more and more often
nowadays. Web browsers, being pure clients, are not
good enough. What we want is some technology that implements
servers on the user's end. Mini-servers, if you wish.
Actually, I think this maybe a long term tendency: more
and more mini-servers would be running on end-users'

That being said, it is actually not too hard to implement
mini-servers with Python. An HTTP server that analyzes
the URL (which might contain port number and form data,
like http://your.machine.com:8088/?x=3&y=4) and displays
a message box, probably would take about 30 to 40 lines
of Python code. It'll even make a beep sound if you want. :)
Quite a bargain. If you want to know more, I can say more,
but it kind of depend on your configuration.

Web browsers (HTTP clients) made a big impact on the
way how people use computers. I believe that nowadays
we also need some generic HTTP mini-servers so people
can respond to outside events, there is a real need for
this kind of products. The possibilities are endless.

I think, if I were you, I'd devote some time into this
arena. :) Applets can do the job, but why restrict
yourself to the tightly-controlled, hard-to-plug-in
world of browsers, when a server technology can give
you a totally open blue sky?


Hung Jung

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