[Zope-dev] urg

Michel Pelletier michel@digicool.com
Tue, 07 Mar 2000 03:10:33 -0800

Tom Deprez wrote:
> Ok, it was the import problem! Thanks to all!
> Q1: So, in python you've to say which class you want to import?
> Q2: And from test.parent.mylib means go to the directory test then parent
> and then use the mylib library?
> However, now I stumbeld on more problems. I receive an error about using an
> onbound method...
> Q3: What is an unbound method??

A method that is not bound to a class instance.  This is really a pretty
strictly python question.  I recommend you read the python language
reference for a better description of this.

I think you should not use an external method, but rather create a
Python class that subclasses whatever you want to subclass and then
defines a new manage_afterAdd that implements your behavior.  I don't
think external methods are ideal at all for this kind of development. 
This requires either reverse engineering existing Zope products or
culling the list for this wisdom, there really isn't any formal recipie
for this kind of thing.  This isn't necessarily a documetation issue,
for altough we can document interfaces and product conventions (which we
are working on), we cannot entirely document every issue concerning
engineering software in python.

> Thanks to another email, I could solve this 'unbound method-error' with the
> following line :
> CatalogAware.manage_afterAdd.im_func(self,item,container)

Off the top of my head, I don't know why you have to do this.  Whether
this is an artifact of developing with ZClasses and External Methods I
couldn't tell you either.  But I do know that when developing a pure
python class this does not need to happen and is probably a bad idea to
get into the habit.

> Now, adding an instance works without a problem, but when a try to cut and
> paste the instance, I get the following message:
> Zope Error
>   Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
>    Error Type: AttributeError
>    Error Value: aq_acquire

This is probably a known bug in 2.1.4, but without a traceback I cannot
tell you definatly.  You should allways post traceback when you are
trying to get an explanation of a development error.  If this is the
same bug, it is fixed in CVS and you should get the latest version of
lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/CatalogAwareness.py from the public CVS
