[Zope-dev] urg

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue, 07 Mar 2000 16:08:04 +0100

>> Do you see the problem?
>If the category property only repeats the values from the containing
>folder, you don't need it if you use the folders as categories (which
>you do, and which my proposal does). THen you would not have to search
>KBItems on categories directly, because the folders _are_ the categories
>already. That is what I was trying to expose in my previous messages.
>Is this clear enough?

I agree it's better to use the folders as search objects, but I'm not
not totally sure if this solves the problem. Just tell me where I'm wrong: 

If we want to provide a search engine, so that the user can directly enter
keywords, we've to descend our KBFolder from CatalogAware so that a
ZCatalog can be used. The KBFolder name is used for searching. We get this

Python (KBFolder; Categorie: PYTHON)
Zope (KBFolder; Categorie: ZOPE)
   What is Zope? (KBItem)
   Problem 1 (KBItem)
   Python (KBFolder; Categorie PYTHON) !! -> Should be (ZOPE PYTHON)
   DTML (KBFolder; Categorie DTML) !! -> Should be (ZOPE DTML)
     What is DTML? (KBItem)

A user wants to search for 'ZOPE' AND 'PYTHON'

 If we use only the name of the folder as catalog then we get no result.
 This is wrong, not? We've a category of Python within Zope. However it is
categorised as PYTHON. It should be categorised as ZOPE PYTHON. And when we
move the folder is should change it categories according to the KBFolders a
top of itself. Not?

Please, tell me where my braintumor is messing my clear thinking. 

Thanks in advance,

