[Zope-dev] Advanced ZClass Creation Question
James W. Howe
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 17:09:16 -0500
I'm building a product with a handful of ZClasses. I've built a couple of
them and I find that I'm duplicating method code everytime I create a new
ZClass definition. What I would like to do is abstract out some of the
commonality into a base Python class that all my ZClasses would derive
from. However, my brain starts to hurt when I think about the difference
between sending messages to the ZClass object itself (say
createInObjectManager), and sending messages to the instance which gets
created by that creation method. What I want to be able to do is have a
common object creation method as well as some common instance
methods. Would these all be defined in one base class?
For example, right now when I create an instance of my ZClass, I compute a
unique ID and then pass that value into the createInObjectManager
method. To do this, I'm thinking I would create a class like this:
class MyCommonZClassBase:
def createNewObject(self, REQUEST=None):
newid = self.computeNewId()
return self.createInObjectManager(newid, REQUEST)
When I defined my ZClass, I would include "MyCommonZClassBase" as a base
class of my ZClass (actually I would probably create a custom Python class
for each ZClass that I wanted to create and this class would derive from
I assume that I could then create a new object by doing:
Now that I've created my new object, I also have some things that I want to
do whenever any of my ZClasses gets instantiated. For example, I want to
set properties and update a Catalog (with an arbitrary name)
To do this, I would might write a method like this:
def initNewObject(self, REQUEST):
REQUEST.set('title', REQUEST['name'])
self.manage_editCataloger(self.catalogName, REQUEST)
My question (and confusion) is this, would I define this method in
MyCommonZClassBase, or would it have to be defined somewhere else? In
Smalltalk, this would be handled by having a class method called
"createNewObject" and an instance method called "initNewObject". Python
doesn't seem to have that distinction, so I'm confused as to what I would
need to do to make this work.
Any tips or insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
James W. Howe mailto:jwh@allencreek.com
Allen Creek Software, Inc. pgpkey: http://ic.net/~jwh/pgpkey.html
Ann Arbor, MI 48103