[Zope-dev] Re: XSL for Zope - a bounty on this?

Otto Hammersmith otto@ipass.net
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:31:56 -0800

(I appologize if this arrives twice, this webmail interface 
is a little flaky.)

Wow, three XML posts so close together. :)

First, I'm sure DC wouldn't have any problems with 
outsiders working on core parts of Zope.  Witness 
PythonMethods.  Of course, it would have to be *good* code.

That said, I'd be willing to do some contract work to get 
such a thing done.

I wasn't going to post the URL to this for a while, but 
since it's germange to the discussion... 
http://www.zope.org/Members/otto/bluesky_xml.  I started 
writing it about a week and a half ago, just cleaned it up 
a bit so it's worth putting out there.  Not cataloged, or 
even requested to be, yet.

The scope there is a little larger than just XSL.. 
personally, I don't think it's overkill, but someone may 
disagree with me. :)

Comments and questions welcomed... though if you post to 
the list, please cc me.  I subscribe to the digest and will 
likely not see replies for a long while unless they're cc'd.


-----Original Message-----
From:    zope-dev-admin@zope.org
Sent:    Fri, 10 Mar 2000 11:44:20 -0800 (PST)
To:      zope-dev@zope.org
Subject: Zope-Dev digest, Vol 1 #428 - 17 msgs

Message: 15
From: morton@dennisinter.com (Damian Morton)
To: <zope-dev@zope.org>, <zope@zope.org>
Subject: [Zope-dev] XSL for Zope - a bounty on this?
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:20:26 -0500

A number of people have expressed a desire to have XSL 
support in Zope. The projects I am working on also seem to 
be needing the application of XSL, and whilst we can (and 
will) use some external XSL processor, it would seem that
a 'cleaner' solution would be to have XSL support directly 
in Zope.

I originally came to want to use Zope because I needed a 
tool that allowed the manipulation of a persistant tree of 
objects; my prototype was done in XML, but it needed 
persistance, an interface, and a programming language,
hence the use of Zope. Even having only XPath support would 
be an extremely usefull way for packaging up  
simple 'queries' on the Zope database.

Ive been looking around at the Python XSL implementations 
and the FourThought 4suite is looking pretty damned good, 
especially considering their goal of eventual ODMG 2.0 
support. Zope desparately needs some standards compliance, 
even if only for the buzzwords.

The question on my mind is: how much do other people want 
XSL in Zope?

Im willing and able to put some $$$ up for a bounty on 
this. Is anyone else?

I guess Id also like to heard what DC has to say about 
this; whether they are willing to have an external group 
contribute/merge a key technology into their codebase, and 
if they have any preferences about who this group might



Message: 16
From: "Josh Zeidner" <jmz_phylogenic@hotmail.com>
To: zope-dev@zope.org
Subject: [Zope-dev] friday afternoon comments on XML and 
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 13:27:36 EST


   I have been watching the activity on this newsgroup 
while developing a commercial system in Zope, and I feel I 
have made a few observations which might be useful to the 
Zope community at large.

   I am seeing a lot of similarities in the phylogeny of 
the XML spec and Zope.  Currently, I have been involved in 
finding a solution for the the transformation of structured 
data in Zope.  We ( myself and Damien Morton ) have been 
searching for a simple way of expressing selection and 
expansions of a tree-like data structure.  It seems to me 
the best way to express these type of problems is with 
languages like XPath and XSLT.  In addition, the 
development of a "zope data pointer" is remarkably similar 
to the problem that the drafters of the XLink specification 
are working out( in much larger numbers and levels of 
experience ).

   So... what I am implying is, as was touched upon before 
in a reply to one of my posts : is that if Zope were to be 
more tightly coupled to the XML specifiation, it would 
greatly increase Zope's user base and list of adaptable 
technologies.  Zope is just not ready and willing to have 
XSL, XPath, and Xlink plugged right in.  In order to use 
such non-proprietary technologies, custom logic must be 
applied to Zope: why should this be?  Should Zope( being 
that it practically IS XML already  ) be more *XML 

   In a nutshell- more XML friendly features built into the 
core of Zope is something I would like to see in future 

   Other than that, thanks for all your responses- viva la 

   -josh zeidner
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


Message: 17
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 10:49:21 -0800
From: Nitin Borwankar <nitin@borwankar.com>
To: Damian Morton <morton@dennisinter.com>
CC: zope-dev@zope.org, zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] XSL for Zope - a bounty on 

Damian Morton <morton@dennisinter.com> wrote

> The question on my mind is: how much do other people want 
> XSL in Zope? Im willing and able to put some $$$ up for a 
> bounty on this. Is anyone else?

I am willing to put  up $$$  for this also assuming it is 
to go Open Source.

Nitin Borwankar,

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