[Zope-dev] Authorization failure

sander@innominate.de sander@innominate.de
14 Mar 2000 08:56:38 GMT

Hi there !

I found a strange behaviour in Zope yesterday. I have the following
contruction in an HTML - Object :

 <dtml-if "feldname == 'Freikonto'">
     <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('freikonto', feldwert)">
 <dtml-elif "feldname == 'Konto'">
     <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('konto', feldwert)">

Now the "feldname == 'Freikonto'" clause isn't necessary anymore. 
So I thought I just comment this section. The result would look
like this:

 <dtml-if "feldname == 'Freikonto'">
     <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('freikonto', feldwert)">
 <dtml-if "feldname == 'Konto'">
     <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('konto', feldwert)">

If I try to save these changes, Zope complains, that I'm not
authorized although I'm superuser and have all rights. 

But if I delete this lines instead commenting them, it works.

Really strange.

Any ideas ? Thanks.


Mit freundlichem Gruss

Jens Sander
innominate AG - Sofware-Entwicklung

                                                           innominate AG
                                                       networking people
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