[Zope-dev] RE: ZDiscussions

Lalo Martins lalo@hackandroll.org
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 10:55:54 -0300

On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 05:26:45PM -0500, Pearson, Brian Edward (GEA, 056278) wrote:
> Can anyone provide some insight regarding the problem detailed below?
> Basically, I would like to add file attachment support to the ZDiscussion
> product.  I have managed to do that successfully, however I cannot seem to
> create a URL to access the file such that it could be wrapped inside an HREF
> tag.
> > Any/all assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Also, if I am crazy for
> > doing this please let me know.  Perhaps a new ZDiscussion already exists
> > that supports attachments?

IMVHO you're throwing away the simplicity and flexibility (and
Zope-Zen) that make ZDiscussions great.

Q. How do you add a file to a Zope object?

A. Make the object folder-like and drop a File object in there.
This way you can make it an Image instead if you wish, or any
other Zope object your heart feels like enabling (if you
subclass ObjectManager instead of Folder, you can choose which
classes of sub-objects are acceptable) and support more than
one attachment easily.

The ZD Topic object is already folderlike. The only thing you
need is a folderlike ZDItem (by creating a ZClass combining
ZDItem and ObjectManager), and then write forms and
constructors that do the hard work of attaching.

          Hack and Roll  ( http://www.hackandroll.org )
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