[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] reall-time data to a Java client interface from ZOPE

Performance.net Support khowe@performance-net.com
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 18:40:43 -0400

That's definitely the idea. I've been reading up on ZOPE and Medusa and this
type of thing is is exactly what they were designed for. What I'm wondering
now is, is it possible to plug a server I write into ZOPE in the same way
that FTP is plugged in, as a behind the scenes service that starts when ZOPE
starts. If so, how is this done? Are there any docs that might give a bit of
detail on this subject?


----- Original Message -----
From: "sam" <linuxcraft@redspice.com>
To: "Kevin Howe" <khowe@performance-net.com>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] reall-time data to a Java client interface from ZOPE

> On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, you wrote:
>  I can think of  some possibilities. Without knowing much about you
> architecture  I guess  I would create an event notification service in
> python/java   to which  you can post events using an external method from
> zope   and have the java client subscribe to events of interest. I You
> also have the client poll the service . hth

----- Original Message -----
Kevin Howe wrote:

> I've built an application with ZOPE and would like to create a Java
> interface to it (probably using jpython/wxWindows)
> Here's how it should work:
> When changes are made on the ZOPE site by a client, a notification is sent
> from ZOPE to the Java interface and displayed in real-time. The idea here
> not to have a continually refreshing Java window, but a window which
> only when it receives a message from the site to do so.
> What I don't know is how to send the data from ZOPE to the Java client.
> anyone point me to any existing ZOPE Products/Projects/How-To's which are
> similar to what I've described, or perhaps point me in the right
> Kevin Howe
> Performance.net Strategic Internet Solutions
> http://www.performance-net.com