[Zope-dev] Passing data to/from Python

Josh Zeidner jmz_phylogenic@hotmail.com
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 12:11:37 EST

>3. What if my Python function in my external method wants to
>return information to my DTML method? For instance, how do I
>return a Python list, and what do I do in my DTML method to
>process it (e.g., output a line for every member of the list)?

You can just return a dictionary from your external method and use the 
<dtml-in "externalMethodName(1,222)">.  inside the dtml-in tags you can 
reference the index or the value of each dictionary item using tags like 
<dtml-var sequence-item> , <dtml-var sequence-value> ( double check this 
syntax in the DTML guide ).

Basically, anything you can do in Python CGI you can do in Zope.  Take a 
look at DC COM Product.  May be just what you are looking for...

-Josh Zeidner

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