[Zope-dev] using ZODB/Catalog outside of Zope - What am I doing wrong?
Roman Milner
11 May 2000 13:33:12 -0500
Hello. I'm trying to use the ZODB and Catalog out side of zope. I
have three fields in my class: two FieldIndex and one TextIndex.
Searching on the FieldIndexes works fine but searching on the
TextIndex returns strange results. Sometimes I get nothing on
something that should hit and other times the wrong result for things
that do hit.
The two scripts are below. If you try running the search script and
pass it "Second" you will see what I mean. It will return "First
Test" instead of "Second Test".
Thanks for any help,
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import ZODB
import Persistence
from Persistence import Persistent
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from Products.ZCatalog.Catalog import Catalog
class CURL(Persistent):
def __init__(self, url, ctype, the_data):
self.url = url
self.ctype = ctype
self.the_data = the_data
def identify(self):
print "URL: " + self.url + " Text: " + self.the_data
class URLStorer:
def __init__(self, file='./db/db.fs'):
self.file = file
self.db = ZODB.DB(FileStorage(file))
self.co = self.db.open()
self.root = self.co.root()
if self.root.has_key('cat'):
self.cat = self.root['cat']
self.cat = Catalog()
self.cat.aq_parent= self.root
self.root['cat']= self.cat
self.cat.addIndex('ctype' ,'FieldIndex')
def storeURL(self, curl):
uid = id(curl)
print "stored as " + str(uid)
self.root[uid] = curl
self.cat.catalogObject(curl, uid)
def searchURL(self, **kw):
r = self.cat.searchResults(kw)
k = []
for i in r:
id = i.data_record_id_
return k
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = URLStorer()
a.storeURL(CURL('http://foo', 'text/html', 'First Test'))
a.storeURL(CURL('http://safbar', 'text/sdfhtml', 'Second Test'))
a.storeURL(CURL('http://asfasf', 'afasfs', 'Third test'))
a.storeURL(CURL('http://asfasf', 'afasfs', 'Fourth test'))
#! /usr/bin/env python
from crawler import CURL, URLStorer
import sys
b = URLStorer()
ids = b.searchURL(the_data=sys.argv[1])
for i in ids: