[Zope-dev] Please Help!!! - HelpSys

Stephan Richter srichter@cbu.edu
Tue, 23 May 2000 23:22:41 -0700

At 08:48 AM 5/24/00 +0300, Lena wrote:

>Hi, everybody!
>There's a folder in Zope :\lib\python\HelpSys with Zope help.
>If I am not mistaken it is available in every version of Zope and can be
>published this way:
>I have failed to figure out how its methods collect data to be published. It
>looks like they search through Zope folders and files, but it's just an
>Could somebody explain me that..??

The Help System will be new for version 2.2.0. DC tries to move most 
documentation into this system, but for right now it will give you only 
some help of the management screens you are seeing. Getting this part ready 
for 2.2.0 though is enough work. :)
Well, you got it almost right, but there is a little bit more to the story. 
You can find the Python code for the Help System under 
When a product registers a Help section using the registerHelp() (or 
something like that) method, the help system looks into the product folder 
for a directory called help that contains the appropriate DTML files. But 
the Help does much more, since it also implements the Help for Zope 
Products (ZClasses) as well.

>I actually need to create a simple web-editor, something very similar to
>HelpSys, but I need to link tree items to the folders I create dynamically
>in Zope.

I think the Help System code would not be as helpful. Usually the hard part 
is to get the tree to work. You might want to try reading some How-To's on 
the TREE tag and see what ZDP (zdp.zope.org) has on the issue. Also look at 
LocalFS, since it "converts" a FS tree into a Zope object tree. It is then 
simpler to use the TREE tag, since most of the work is already done.

>Also, is there any python version containing Globals, HTMLfile etc modules
>used to publish Zope..?? And if not, how can I test my modules in pyhton

No, these modules are Zope Python modules. The safest way to test your code 
is to restart the Zope server. This will automatically register your 
product. You can create an instance for it the usual way. You might want to 
look at the Boring product to see how to set one up.

Much luck with your project.

Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry
Web2k - Web Design/Development & Technical Project Management