[Zope-dev] License issues
Lalo Martins
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:10:01 -0200
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 06:40:31PM +0100, Juan David Ibáñez Palomar wrote:
> has come to my ears that there's people who doesn't use Zope because
> its license is GPL-incompatible, more info here:
> http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/license-list.html#GPLIncompatibleLicenses
They say it's an instance of "the obnoxious advertising
clause". I tend to agree, this clause should be removed. All my
non-Zope software is GPLed, all my Zope software has a very
permissive X11-like license without the obnoxious adv. clause.
Hack and Roll ( http://www.hackandroll.org )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.
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