[Zope-dev] __replaceable__ or whatever it is ;-)
Phillip J. Eby
Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:39:06 -0500
At 11:14 AM 11/15/00 +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
>Thanks... I guess the behavior that was associated with
>ObjectManager.NOT_REPLACEABLE is obtained by just not havign a
>__replaceable__ attribute?
>..or does ObjectManager.NOT_REPLACEABLE exist, just in an undocumented
>fashion ;-)
>> > Also, when is it going to land in a erleased Zoep version? 2.3 I
>> > guess...
>> That's the plan.
>Bad question, I know, but any idea when that'll be?
FYI, if you want to play with this before then, the current release of the
PlugIns package has support for the proposed behavior in the
PlugInContainer class, using a code snippet cribbed from Zope CVS. So you
should be able to make PIC subclasses with overrideable methods. I put in
that support because I wanted Specialists and such to be able to use
overrideable methods. I haven't gotten around to actually putting any in,