[Zope-dev] Callable baseclass for ZClasses
Stefan H. Holek
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 18:53:10 +0100 (CET)
Taking ideas from the Renderable product, the ZCallable baseclass
(PTK) and the __call__ thread on this very list, I created a Callable
baseclass intended as a mixin for ZClasses.
class Callable:
def render( self, client=None, REQUEST={}, RESPONSE=None, **kw ):
'''Calls index_html, if it exists, to render this object.
self.isDocTemp = 1 # pass me the namespace, please
local = getattr( self, 'aq_base', self )
if hasattr( local, 'index_html' ):
method = self.index_html
args = (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) # substitute self for client
return apply( method, args, kw )
raise AttributeError, 'index_html'
__call__ = render
I went on to make a ZClass derived from Folder and Callable to effectively
create a CallableFolder. Man, was I proud ;). This worked fine for me
until I had to put some security on my CallableFolders. Removing 'View'
for Anonymous keeps me from accessing a CallableFolder directly but it can
still be used as a subtemplate (dtml-var x) from another DTML Document or
Method. Bummer! Doing some tests I discovered that plain DTML Documents
show the same behaviour (!), though DTML Methods throw 'Unauthorized' as
Now I am confused and herewith ask the pros to kindly have a look at
what I did.
*) Does my baseclass do what I expect it to at all? (or only by chance ;)
*) Is there a known issue with DTML Documents used as subtemplates or is
their behaviour correct?
*) Do I have to take measures in my baseclass to properly access/pass
security contexts?
*) If yes, how would I do it?
*) Or is there even prior art on such a baseclass or reasons why this just
cannot possibly work?
If you are interested, you can get the CallableFolder product in its
current state from ftp://epy.co.at/pub/zope/
I am running Zope 2.2.2 with both Hotfixes and the __call__ fix.
Things work better when plugged in