[Zope-dev] ZUnit - feedback convocation
Lalo Martins
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:27:29 -0200
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Hi all
I'trying to write a document on ZUnit and Unit Testing in
general, following Michel's and Amos' documentation process. I
wrote an outline, and now I'm stuck :-) anyone with a few free
moments is welcome to take a look and send me some words. Also,
anyone very interested in the subject is welcome to volunteer
for editorial help (read the Process to know what this means).
Thank you.
(BTW, if you can't understand what an "outline" is, read the
process too. Oh what the heck. If you haven't read it, then
read it, it's very cool reading anyway.)
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Unit testing Zope Products with ZUnit
by Lalo Martins
Unit Testing
What is Unit Testing
Where does it come from
How should it be done
Refactor mercilessly!
Writing Tests
Importing ZUnit
The TestCase class
Interfacing with the Zope environment
The persistence problem - leaving traces behind
Grouping tests in TestSuites
Wrapping it all up in a creator function
Running the tests
The TestRunner object
TestResults objects
Leaving objects behind for debugging