[Zope-dev] basci properties
Robin Becker
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 16:06:02 +0100
In message <39E1D777.6B114FEC@kaivo.com>, Paul Erickson <erickson@kaivo.com> writes
Well I was trying to get a self contained class initialisation using a bit of python
I had defined a propertsheet called ClassConstants containing a tokens property with
"A B C" in my extern method initialiser I was doing
self = self.this()
obj = self.ZC.createInObjectManager(id, REQUEST)
obj.manage_addProperty('t','tokenList','multiple selection')
in the add form I could not seem to get access to the property tokenList
I wasn't getting nice things from either
<dtml-with "_.namespace(S=tokenList)">
not seeing the property.
<dtml-with "_.namespace(S=Control_Panel.Products.myProduct.ZC.propertysheets.common
failing with a permissions problem
in the end I had to define a product external method called getTokenList
which did
def getQProjectList(self):
obj = self.unrestrictedTraverse("Control_Panel/Products/myProduct/ZC/propert
return obj.getProperty('tokenList')
How does one define properties which are visible at construction time?
>Just create a ZClass that inherits from ObjectManager, then you will
>have to use the Subobjects tab to tell it what kind of objects it can
>For properties, click on the Property Sheets tab and add one (be sure
>you're in the class, not the product). Put whatever properties on it
>that you like. Remember that properties won't get set in the constructor
>unless you uncomment the
><dtml-call "propertysheets.Basic.manage_editProperties(
>line in the constructor. (change "Basic" if that's not what you called
>your property sheet.
>Robin Becker wrote:
>> I want to create a ZClass that is essentially a folder with some added
>> properties. I can see no way to add to the Basic properties of my
>> ZClass.
>> Is there a way to do that?
>> --
>> Robin Becker
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Robin Becker