[Zope-dev] Unit testing, ZUnit - It is in the fishbowl, please comment
Lalo Martins
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 03:43:12 -0200
The proposal below is in the fishbowl, at
The approach will be, developing the standalone ZUnit Product
while the proposal is in the fishbowl, then push for the
proposal (integrating it with App/Product*.py). Expect a first
release of ZUnit next week or in the other.
In the meanwhile, please comment in the proposal's discussion
page :-) (or here)
On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 10:56:31PM -0200, Lalo Martins wrote:
> We (I and Hiperlógica) started to develop a Product we called
> ZUnit, intended for XP-style unit-testing Python-based
> Products in a full Zope environment (with a real ZODB, REQUEST,
> RESPONSE, etc).
> We first conceived it as a kind of Zope-based version of
> unittestgui.py - you create a "TestRunner" object giving it the
> package, module and name of a TestSuite object generator (see
> the PyUnit documentation) and inside it you may click on some
> widget to run the tests and produce a "TestResult" object which
> you can inspect later. Does this sound like a good design?
> Then I figured in the long run a Product isn't the best
> sollution; instead, fiddling with App/Product* sounds more like
> it, to allow developers to register tests just like they
> register classes, ZClass superclasses, _misc and help. Of
> course, just like the current registerHelp and others, it
> wouldn't be mandatory and not using it wouldn't break anything.
> Then, in the Product's page in the Control Panel, there would
> be a tab "Test", where you'd be allowed to run the unit tests.
> What do people think of this? What does DC think of this? Can I
> go ahead and develop it in this direction?
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