[Zope-dev] Streaming?
Terry Kerr
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 12:23:36 +1100
Isn't that dependant on the protocol u are using to transfer the data?
HTTP can't do streaming. You can sort of do streaming using the
experimental multipart content type, but IE browers don't recognise it,
so it is pretty useless.
With the context you gave, you could probably do that with the
experimental multiplart content, but it would only work with netscape.
Lalo Martins wrote:
> Is it possible to "stream" (send data to the client via HTTP
> incrementally) from Python code, or does ZPublisher only send
> the data as a single wad when the method returns?
> Assuming it is possible, obviously it requires using some other
> API rather than just 'return'ing a string... where can I find
> documentation and/or examples on that? If there is no existing
> documentation or examples, source code would do.
> (Context: when the tests are running on ZUnit, I'd like to give
> some visual feedback, if possible by sending the dots returning
> by PyUnit in real-time)
> []s,
> |alo
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