[Zope-dev] ZPatterns + Skinscript

Steve Spicklemire steve@spvi.com
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 16:09:20 -0500 (EST)

Hi Joachim,

   Hmm... I just put all the code in myself... to be *really* sure, and
it does work. What do you see for 'current attribute handling' in the
Data PlugIns tab of the default rack? I would try to simplify. Take
out all the skin script execpt for the one line.


>>>>> "JS" == Joachim Schmitz <js@aixtraware.de> writes:

    JS> Hi Steve,

    JS> I did exactly (hopefully) as you sugested, but the dtml-method
    JS> fails with: (I moved the SkinScript with first to the top)

    JS> Error Type: KeyError Error Value: movie_link

    JS> ...

    JS>   File
    JS> /usr/local/Zope-2.2.0/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py,
    JS> line 528, in __call__ (Object: testzclass) File
    JS> /usr/local/Zope-2.2.0/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Let.py,
    JS> line 147, in render (Object: theItem="getItem('anyOldThing')")
    JS> File
    JS> /usr/local/Zope-2.2.0/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_With.py,
    JS> line 146, in render (Object: theItem) KeyError: (see above)

    JS> what's the best way to debug this ?

    JS> On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Steve Spicklemire wrote:

    >>  Hi Joachim,
    >> Hmm.. I would start start really simple here, and then 'work
    >> up' to the sql query.... Create a default rack with the
    >> following SkinScript.