[Zope-dev] CalendarTag, year mode image
Ibaņez Palomar Juan David
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 12:23:10 +0200 (DFT)
Please, look at "http://estce.act.uji.es/calendar.html", there
are several proposed images.
The only problem I see is when the year mode is selected, since
there's more white than black it's not clear which mode is
opinions? votes? more suggestions?
> The calendar mode icons on the Palm are based on the visible
> structure of the diffent screens (one day, one row of days,
> a matrix of days). On the newer palms, there is another view
> (current day and TODO items; a single dot above some lines).
> To keep in the same "language", I would use a big, black block
> or circle to show "too many days" to view at once.
> --
> Jens Quade * jq@jquade.de * Bonn