[Zope-dev] questions on ZPatterns plugin code
Andrew Wilcox
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 12:07:25 -0400
I've started browsing the ZPatterns code, and here are the questions that
came up for me while reading PlugsIns.py... Is zope-dev a good place for
this? Would somewhere in the ZPatterns wiki be better?
The PlugInBase.manage_afterAdd() and manage_beforeDelete() methods
dynamically checks if their container has the _addPlugIn() and
_removePlugIn() methods before calling them. Could this code be
simplified by requiring containers support an add/remove PlugIn
interface, with a default do-nothing implementation?
The PlugInContainer._addPlugIn() and _removePlugIn() will register a
plugin with multiple groups. However _findGroupFor() appears to
assume that a plugin is associated with one plugin group. What would
be an example of a plugin that registered itself with multiple plugin
The PlugInContainer directly accesses the __plugin_kind__ attribute of
a plugin. Could we have a plugin.kind() method instead?
PlugIns.py patches the Zope ProductContext class to add the
_registerPlugInClass method. Could we instead update the Zope
implementation to provide a _registerPlugInClass method, that called
the ZPatterns product if it was installed?