[Zope-dev] XHTML Templates comments from the peanut gallery
Spicklemire, Jerry
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 15:34:29 -0500
> >Chris Withers writes:
> > A **page** is the result of applying presentation to data in the
> > object system. A page is a particular result of a URL when viewed
> > under certain conditions.
> ....I'd like to add to this:
> components used to make up 'page's should not be URL-visible. Why should
> they be?
> (would this raise issues with XML-RPC?)
> whereupon Dieter Maurer responded:
> Because, you want to access them for management purposes (e.g.
> change them).
and, conceptually at least, this should facilitate displaying the
hypothetical "block" resources as "include virtual" sorts of beasties,
on the inside of some next generation hyper-editing environment.
Jerry S.