[Zope-dev] Re: zope nautilus cabal

Andrea Fanfani a.fanfani@mixad.it
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:21:23 +0200

On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 05:01:13PM +0200, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
> 	http://localhost:9673/

There is another method

>From the zope-it ml 

andrea@mowgli:~$ cadaver http://foo.bar:9673 
Looking up hostname... 
Connecting to server... connected. 
Connecting to server... connected. 
dav:/> ls 
Listing collection `/': (reconnecting...done) succeeded. 

[Put here the list of directory and files]



Andrea Fanfani 
Era  talmente intelligente  che, datogli  in  mano un  cubo di  Rubik,
riusciva a mangiarlo in 15 secondi netti. (Anonimo)