[Zope-dev] 27 million objects.

Erik Enge erik@thingamy.net
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 14:01:06 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Michael R. Bernstein wrote:

> I'm trying to find out of there is a point where you start getting
> non-linear performance penalties for additional objects (storing,
> retreiving, or indexing).

I've just finished adding a somewhat small number of objects: 5000.
For every 1000th object, the Data.fs seemed to grow to about 900MB; that's
when things started going slow, in a non-linear fashion (this is more a
hunch than something I payed much attention to).

I paused the script (fancy Unix-command: "^Z") for every 1000th object,
packed the database (which shrunk to 19.5MB!  Hmpf.) and restarted the
script (again, fancy Unix-command: "fg").  Then I was back to the same
speed as I initially had.

Does ZODB have a problem with big Data.fs files?  Not that I
know.  However, I do have a really fast SCSI-subsystem here so that
shouldn't be a big problem either.

I did some copying around with a couple of gigs, and it seems that my
hunch is right: ZODB does not have a problem with big Data.fs files, the
hardware does.

This could be caused indirectly by ZODB if it does too many operations on
the file, but I'm not too conserned about that.  Ie. a solution could be
to have ZODB play around with the Data.fs at a less frequent pace, or do
it in another fashion.  However, that's not really solving any problems,
unless ZODB is a total maniac with the filesystem.

I'm converting to ReiserFS this afternoon, maybe that will improve things
a bit.

Someone told me that ZEO and bulk-adding could be a thing to look at...