[Zope-dev] Request For Comments: SecurityJihad

Michael R. Bernstein webmaven@lvcm.com
13 Aug 2001 11:24:02 -0700

Ok, I've gotten some private feedback on the SecurityJihad proposal
(mostly before I did the anouncement last Thursday), and incorporated
the suggestions.

The proposal is at:

However, i'd like to know if there is broad support for this proposal
from product developers, so even if you don't have any specific comments
other than "I think this is a good idea", or "your proposal sucks" I
*still* want to hear from you (on the list, if possible).

In addition, I still haven't gotten any suggestions on defining the
scope of the proposal, and without that I don't think it'll get beyond
the EditorialReview stage.

So, any ideas on defining a scope for this proposal?

Michael Bernstein.