[Zope-dev] RE:: Zope 2.4.1 beta 1 released
Brian Lloyd
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 14:33:49 -0400
> I'm a little disappointed to see that the Aqueduct patch I sent out a
> while ago hasn't made it. Basically, Z SQL Methods, as they currently
> stand, are broken if you use the column:type=default format for arguments;
> this syntax is documented in the help. In addition, optional arguments --
> as specified by sqltest elements -- aren't recognized as being optional.
> The only way I found find to fix this was to let optional be specified in
> the arguments, i.e. column:type:optional, since the argument parser has
> no access to the query. There are bugs in the collector for this (for
> "sql").
> --
> Andy Dustman
Andy -
I don't know that I can allay your dissappointment, but I didn't
want this to go by unanswered.
Currently, the bugs that we can get to for a particular release
are determined by a mix of severity, priority, and who is available
to work on them at any given time. We happen to be in a situation
right now where many of our resources are committed to other things
(like customer projects), which naturally affects how many bugs we
can knock out in this release cycle. For every release a line has
to be drawn somewhere, and some things will make it in and some
won't. And when someone's thing doesn't make it in, they are
disappointed - I know I am when it's my thing :)
I'm hopeful that very soon now we'll be able to lessen that (though
there will always be someone disappointed in a particular release
until we reach the notional day when Zope is totally bug-free and
has every feature everyone wants). All of the technical work has
been done for opening up the Zope CVS, and all we're waiting on now
are some legal details. Once those are done I hope to recruit a
crew of bug-fixers in the community, which should greatly improve
the number of bugs we can get to in a given release cycle.
I know that doesn't solve your immediate problem, but I didn't want
your post to go into the ether without letting you know what we
are doing to try to improve the situation.
Brian Lloyd brian@zope.com
Zope Corporation www.zope.com