[Zope-dev] unsliceable object

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 21:19:07 +0200 (CEST)

Homan Els writes:
 > Does somebody know why, I am getting an error on this function (inside a
 > zope-product):
 >  def CreateProcessDirs(self,proposalid,runid):
 >          for i in self.objectValues():
 >               id=i.id
 >               if callable( id ):
 >                  id = id()
 >               RequestDir=os.path.join(dir,proposalid,runid,'process',id)
 >          if os.path.exists(RequestDir):
 >             print 'pathname ( file or directory) exist',path
 >          else:
 >           os.system('mkdir -p '+RequestDir)
 >           print "Make Directory: ",RequestDir
 >       return i
 > The error message is:
 >              Error Type: TypeError
 >              Error Value: unsliceable object
You got a traceback?

It tells you where the TypeError occured.
The code, you posted, does not have an obvious slice.
Thus, you (or we) need to look at the traceback to narrow
the problem down.
