[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Annce] jcNTUserFolder 0.2.1 released

Jephte CLAIN Jephte.Clain@univ-reunion.fr
Tue, 04 Dec 2001 11:30:25 +0400

"Jay, Dylan" wrote:
> There has to be some way round that. Is the REMOTE_USER variable still pased
> in even if zope isn't in remote user mode? Couldn't a user folder be
> implemented to use it?
REMOTE_USER is passed when the web server (IIS in our case) has done the
*authentication* and said: "ok, REMOTE_USER is the name of the user
coming in, and he's ok". then, zope just has to do *authorization*:
"does this user whose name is given has the correct role to acces that

> > please elaborate: you mean that when access to
> > http://iis.host.com/zope_anonymous.pcgi/protected_resource is 
> > forbidden,
> > zope automatically redirect the user to
> > http://iis.host.com/zope_protected.pcgi/protected_resource?
> Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
Hum, this is an idea to explore further. this is interesting.
and no, jcNTUserFolder does not do that right now.

> I guess what I'm talking about is a user folder implementation that uses the
> REMOTE_USER variable and contructs a user object around that. It assumes
> that IIS has done it's job and the this REMOTE_USER is allowed in.
this is exactly the default behavior.

> It looks to see if it's seen this user before. If not it creates the user with some
> default role.
this is interesting. in the default implementation, if the remote user
does not exist in the acl_users, it is considered anonymous.

> If the user does exist with the same name as REMOTE_USER then
> this user is used with all it's associated roles etc.
> I had thought this is what jcNTUserFolder did but I couldn't get it to work
> like this. I think what it does do is try to authenticate directly with the
> nt domain server using a name and password supplied by the user?
jcNTUserFolder, like the standard one, behave differently in remote user
mode and in normal mode (actually, it does not modify the default
- in normal mode, it tries to log the user on the local machine, and if
it can, it assumes that the username/password pair is valid, and then
let Zope do authorization
- in remote user mode, it does not authenticate because the REMOTE_USER
has already authenticated, and let Zope do authorization.
